"Long Story"
I am not the man you think I am, I’m not the man who stands before you; I am not of your world or of your kind, But I’ll do my best not to bore you. I come from a very faraway land, In fact it’s several galaxies away;

It’s a little world that I call my mind, And I’d really like to go back there some day. You see I had a slight run-in or two With a man some call Lucifer, others Azazel, Some Beelzebub, some Leviathan; It doesn’t matter, he came from Hell;

And twice he did his best to drag me to That fiery place, don’t even ask me why, But fortunately I was smarter than He, and both times I out-tricked the wise guy...
To cut a long story mercifully Short, this chap I knew as Mr. Lucky Took his revenge on me in my slumber And I awakened one rainy morning

Transformed into a foolish character In a novel I didn’t even like But which I had been painfully reading In an absurd attempt to be polite; So, yes, I admit, I’m an impostor; But now, standing here, I have to wonder:

Are you, my audience, mere creations Of overheated imagination, Or have you all been exiled here as well? Is this life, or an anteroom of Hell?

Illustrations by konrad kraus a rhoda penmarq studios production.
(Published in somewhat different form at flashing by.) |
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