For years a colorful if wraithlike presence on the 5th Street "strip" roughly between the Modern Pharmacy and John's Bargain Store, "Spiv" sold his wares (nylon stockings, men's neckties, prophylactics and sundry "novelties") daily out of his old suitcase until that sad day when he went on one of his occasional "vacations upstate" and never returned.
Unglaublich, I'm pretty sure I saw Spiv here in Kassel about a week ago. He was deep into a serious nod outside of the Schlemmer Grill, with the odor of burning cigarette filter shrouding his features. He looked young, though. Nah, couldn't have been him, maybe some genetic twist along the years, a odd sperm that leaked out through the decades. Was Spiv in the Army?
Spiv was indeed in the army for about six months or so in the sixties. He was dishonorably discharged for selling black market ladies' underwear while stationed in, yes, Kassel, Germany. So say hello to Spiv Jr for me when next you see him.
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