Monday, August 13, 2007

Gone fishin' with my homies

Yes, we will be taking a few days off. Remember, midterms are coming up, so please review all our previous posts. Feel free to comment and e-mail, and we should be back on the air by Saturday with some fabulous new material.


Erica Ridley said...

LOL, great picture.

Hope your days off are relaxing and that you get in all the study time you need!! =)

tedster said...

What am I going to read for the next 5 days? I guess it's back to "Gangsta Dreams".

Dan Leo said...

Hey, thanks, guys, I appreciate it. I'm back now, and as soon as I rest up from my little vacation I'll try to get some new stuff up for you.

Dan Leo said...

PS -- all you homies, check out Erica's fabulous writing sites:


Anonymous said...

did you stay at the Marq?

Dan Leo said...

Anon, sadly I must say, no, I did not have the pleasure of stopping at the venerable "Marq" (or the Marquis de Lafayette Hotel to the uninitiated) in old Cape May, nor even was I able to find time for dinner and drinks and dancing at its fabulous "Top of the Marq" restaurant. Mmmm, I can almost taste that famous Surf 'n' Turf!